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A slightly smiling black woman with long dair hair, wearing a black patterned dress, stood in front of a brick building

Chine McDonald


Chine is Director of Theos, the religion and society thinktank, and was previously Head of Community Fundraising and Public Engagement at Christian Aid.

She has more than 16 years’ experience in journalism, media and communications across faith, media and international development organisations. She is the author of ‘God is not a white man: and other revelations’ (Hodder & Stoughton, May 2021).

Chine regularly contributes to programme slots such as the BBC’s Thought for the Day on Radio 4’s Today programme, Prayer for the Day and The Daily Service. She is vice–chair of Greenbelt Festival and a trustee of Christians in Media.

Chine studied Theology and Religious Studies at Cambridge University. Chine is a Christian and a member of an independent church.