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9 resources

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Briefing: Insights and ideas for cash and locally led response

A condensed briefing. Affected communities are always the first responders to any crisis, through spontaneous mutual aid initiatives.

Who holds the levers of design?: Insights and ideas for cash and locally led response

Christian Aid is committed to a locally led, partnership-based approach, and these CVA initiatives are all delivered with partner organisations.

Public Debt in Private Hands

Challenging private creditors holding sovereign debt

The cost to Africa

Our study highlights the devastating economic impact climate change will inflict on the African continent.

Ripping off the Band-Aid

Read our report into how the failure to build resilience is resulting in a food crisis in East Africa.

Crazy Climate worksheet

Crazy Climate worksheet

Crazy Climate worksheet - Welsh

Crazy Climate worksheet - Welsh

New pathways out of poverty for Africa

New pathways out of poverty for Africa - Report

Tipping the energy balance

This paper explores nature and scope of energy financing in six key developing countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Kenya and Malawi.