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28 resources

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On the brink: Climate migrations in Colombia and Honduras

This report presents findings from Christian Aid-funded research to identify the intersections between human rights, climate change, and gender in relation to the issue of climate migration in Honduras and Colombia.

Strengthening social protection mechanisms in South Ari woreda, Ethiopia: Report of community-based perspectives

A research paper that highlights the factors constraining the expansion of social protection in South Ari district of Ethiopia. It identifies key gaps in the existing systems, and proposes measures to strengthen them.

Breaking the barriers Honduras update

Breaking the barriers Honduras update

Climate migration in the Dry Corridor of Central America

This study examines the relationship between three factors – migration, gender and climate change – in the Central American Dry Corridor

Migraciones climáticas en el Corredor Seco Centroamericano

This study examines the relationship between three factors – migration, gender and climate change – in the Central American Dry Corridor (Spanish)

Action2020 family planning: Ethiopia context analysis

An in-depth investigation into the context and opportunities for civil society-led accountability on family planning in Ethiopia.

Christian Aid Ethiopia Annual Report 2018/19

A summary of Christian Aid Ethiopia’s major achievements during 2018/19 and contributions to changing the lives of communities we work with.

Keeping hope alive: Central America case study

Case study from Christian Aid's work on peace in Central America.

Christian Aid Ethiopia newsletter July 2019

Christian Aid Ethiopia newsletter July 2019

साझेदारीतामाफ त शी थानीयकरण (Accelerating localisation - Nepali)

Recommendations to strengthen leadership of actors in partnership-based humanitarian action in Nepal. (English language also available.)

Accelerating localisation research summary - Nepal

Recommendations to strengthen leadership of actors in partnership-based humanitarian action in Nepal

Harvest church magazine article

Harvest church magazine article

Harvest toolkit: assembly - Welsh

Harvest toolkit: assembly - Welsh

DEC Collective Learning Initiative

Nepal was shocked by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake on 25th of April 2015 and then after seventeen days another 7.3 magnitude rocked the country

Disaster strikes teaching notes

Disaster strikes teaching notes

Nepal earthquake mid-term review

A mid-term review of Christian Aid's response to the Nepal earthquakes of 2015 - key findings, recommendations, background and methodology.

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire (Part 2)

In this report, three case studies – from Angola, Mali, and Honduras – of responses to climate change and conflict are presented.

Prayer for Ethiopia

Lord, a land of coffee and grain of cattle and crops, of pasture and plain of laughter and love is thirsty.