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7 resources

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A Prayer for Pakistan

In response to the devastating floods.

Partnership for Change: Christian Aid in Kenya

Christian Aid has been working in Kenya since 1997, in partnership with local civil society agencies, public authorities, private sector actors, churches and other religious organisations.

Appendices - Marsabit County Resilience Study

Appendices to the Marsabit County Resilience Study which assesses the value of investing in resilience work in pastoralist communities.

LPRR: action learning research

Within the LPRR project there is a need for rigorous evaluation, which balances accountability and learning.

Developing Climate Services

A report summarising our key experience across three countries – Kenya, India and Nicaragua.

Energy for Development in South Asia: addressing energy inequality sustainably

This report discusses the links between energy access, poverty and inequality in South Asia.

Low-carbon development in South Asia: leapfrogging to a green future

The report gives examples of the potential for low-carbon energy in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan.