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6 resources

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National Nigeria HIV/AIDS Stigma Reduction Strategy

A strategy and guide to basic planning in the prevention and management of HIV stigma and discrimination in Nigeria.

Case study - community health and HIV response Nigeria

Through the Strengthening Community Health and HIV project in Nigeria, Community Health Agents were established to educate vulnerable communities.

PPA Project Summary Report: strengthening community health and HIV response in Nigeria

A summary of achievements, challenges and lessons from the community health and HIV response in Nigeria.

People Living Positively: south-to-south learning project on HIV (PLP S2SL)

Key findings from an end of project evaluation to scale up effective HIV care and support interventions in Nigeria.

Case study - an all-encompassing 'fruitbowl' approach in Nigeria

Providing health education to communities and households on various issues including family planning, HIV, malaria and maternal and child health.

Simple guide to the Nigeria HIV Anti-Discrimination Act 2014

A simplified, faith-based interpretation of the Nigeria HIV and AIDs Anti-Discrimination Act 2014