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51 resources

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Simple guide to the Nigeria HIV Anti-Discrimination Act 2014

A simplified, faith-based interpretation of the Nigeria HIV and AIDs Anti-Discrimination Act 2014

Masculinity and Religion in Nigeria: findings from qualitative research

This study on religion and masculinity in Nigeria was conducted seeks to establish the impact of religious beliefs on masculinity amongst Christians and Muslims, paying particular attention to selected states (Enugu, Kaduna, Lagos and FCT).

Assessment of Primary Health Centres in Selected States of Nigeria

Summary report of findings from Christian Aid-supported communities in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Nigeria.

PHC Assessment Reports in Anambra

This report provides an analysis of the status of primary health centres supported by Christian Aid in Anambra State.

PHC Assessment Reports in Benue State

This report provides an analysis of the status of Christian Aid supported health facilities in Benue State.

PHC Assessment Reports in Kaduna State

This report provides an analysis of the status of the assessed Primary Health Centres in Kaduna State.

PHC Assessment Reports in Plateau State

This report provides an analysis of the status of Primary Health Centres (PHCs) in Plateau State.

PHC Assessment Reports in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT)

This report provides an analysis of the status of health facilities supported by Christian Aid in the FCT

Power to Change Institutions: our work in Nigeria

An introduction to Christian Aid's governance work in Nigeria - focusing on accountable governance, tax justice and social protection.

The Right to Essential Services: our work in Nigeria

An introduction to Christian Aid's work on rights and services in Nigeria, focussing on community health and HIV.

Improved Cookstoves for Community Development (ICCD)

A report on the success of a six-month pilot project aimed at improving the health status of poor households in Nigeria.

Ten Years On: a decade of interfaith work

Key findings from an assessment of the Interfaith Mediation Centre (IMC) and Christian Aid’s interfaith governance project

A Review of Community-Based Health Insurance Schemes

A study to examine the feasibility of rolling out a community health insurance scheme in Nigeria and Ghana.

Christian Aid Nigeria programme strategy 2012-17

An overview of the vision, aims and activities of our Nigeria country programme.

Low-carbon Africa: Nigeria

With oil and gas dominating Nigeria's economy, energy poverty is widespread, but efficient use of natural resources could deliver energy for all.