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56 resources

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On the brink: Climate migrations in Colombia and Honduras

This report presents findings from Christian Aid-funded research to identify the intersections between human rights, climate change, and gender in relation to the issue of climate migration in Honduras and Colombia.

Undermining resilience: climate change, rights and mining

This report explores the mining industries in the Brazilian Amazon and how they contribute to climate change

SABI Learning Paper

SABI: GESI, Power, Politics and COM-B

SABI Learning Review

Review of SABI programme designed to improve government services in Sierra Leone.

Profit before People and Planet

A collaborative report exploring why the Brazilian Amazon and its people need economic justice.

Learning report

This report captures key learnings from the Sierra Leone PFM Project.

(Re)acknowledging Feminist Agroecosystems: summary report

Learning from agroecosystems and networks of Women Farmers in Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo, Brazil

(Re)conhecendo a agroecologia feminista – versão completa da pesquisa

Como, por meio do manejo agroecológico de agroecossistemas as agricultoras organizadas contribuem para a igualdade de gênero, para a manutenção dos modos de vida de suas comunidades, para o cuidado da natureza e mudança climática.

SABI: Briefing for Civil Society Organisations

Learning review

SABI: Briefing for Government of Sierra Leone

Learning review: SABI: Briefing for Government of Sierra Leone

SABI: Briefings for Donors and International NGOs

SABI: Briefings for Donors and International NGOs

Brumadinho Briefing Report

Ensuring justice for people and communities affected by the Brumadinho dam disaster.

Violence, peace and drugs in the borderlands

This consortium project has been engaging with the question of how war economies can be transformed into peace economies in drugs-affected borderlands experiencing, or recovering from, armed conflict.

Brazil learning review

Three decades working with social movements

June 2020, Sierra Leone Anti-Corruption Court Monitoring Report

June 2020, Sierra Leone Anti-Corruption Court Monitoring Report

Corruption Perception Survey Report, 2019

Corruption Perception Survey Report, 2019

Desarollo de mercados inclusivos para construir paz en Colombia

Desarollo de mercados inclusivos para construir paz en Colombia

Development of Inclusive Markets to Build Peace in Colombia

Development of Inclusive Markets to Build Peace in Colombia