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16 resources

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SABI Learning Paper

SABI: GESI, Power, Politics and COM-B

SABI Learning Review

Review of SABI programme designed to improve government services in Sierra Leone.

Learning report

This report captures key learnings from the Sierra Leone PFM Project.

SABI: Briefing for Civil Society Organisations

Learning review

SABI: Briefing for Government of Sierra Leone

Learning review: SABI: Briefing for Government of Sierra Leone

SABI: Briefings for Donors and International NGOs

SABI: Briefings for Donors and International NGOs

June 2020, Sierra Leone Anti-Corruption Court Monitoring Report

June 2020, Sierra Leone Anti-Corruption Court Monitoring Report

Corruption Perception Survey Report, 2019

Corruption Perception Survey Report, 2019

SABI: Democracy and Development Associates learning paper

This report presents the findings of the learning review of the project “Ensuring effective revenue mobilisation, transparency and accountability at the local level".

SABI Learning Review: Triggering Citizen Action

SABI community citizen action for effective governance and improved public services. Has it succeeded?

Christian Aid Ireland’s adaptive programme management

This paper is the product of a collaboration between ODI and Christian Aid Ireland to assess the relevance of adaptive approaches.

Sierra Leone: assessment of governance programming methodology

This guidance document provides an introduction to the overall approach for the assessment; an overview of methods used; and issues for consideration.

Sierra Leone - strengthening health systems parliamentary briefing

Discussed during parliamentary debate in 2014 on strengthening health systems in developing countries and development in Sierra Leone and Liberia.

The ENCISS Story 2010 - 2014

A summary report including achievements, lessons learnt and case studies from the ENCISS programme.

SMS Voices: a community reporting project

SMS Voices is a pioneering governance pilot project launched by ENCISS in January 2014, designed to encourage transparent dialogue between citizens and local councillors through a custom-built SMS (text message) system.

Revised London Mining agreement (2012)

Mining agreement between Sierra Leone and UK-based company contains provisions undermining legislation to ensure country benefits from mineral wealth.