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17 resources

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A Prayer for Pakistan

In response to the devastating floods.

South Africa learning review

Learning from our work in South Africa

Joint Country Programme newsletter - July - Sept 2018

A new country director, piped water comes to villages in Mumbeji, advocating for tax justice and more...

The market garden - growing sustainable businesses with women farmers

The market garden - growing sustainable businesses with women farmers

Disaster strikes: all resources

Disaster strikes: all resources

LPRR final evaluation report

The Linking Preparedness, Response and Resilience (LPRR) project was carried out from 2015 to the end of March 2018.

LPRR knowledge co-development paper

Co-production is a process through which partners draw upon their own learning to feed into a collective knowledge creation process.

LPRR: Empowering communities to lead humanitarian response

The project contributes to the localisation agenda by offering a demand-led practical approach to shift power to local actors and disaster survivors.

Conflict prevention strand of the LPRR

The aim of this paper is to describe the process of implementing the LPRR pilots and to gather learning about what worked well and what did not.

Zambia Joint Country Programme Strategic Plan 2016-20

New strategy for the Joint Country Programme (JCP) Zambia

Time for tax: activity sheet and case studies

Time for tax: activity sheet and case studies

Zambia Joint Country Programme, Newsletter, December 2016

Read how a self-help approach is changing lives, and find out about a project to improve women's literacy in the latest newsletter of JCP Zambia, the joint programme of Christian Aid, DanChurchAid and Norwegian Church Aid.

LPRR: action learning research

Within the LPRR project there is a need for rigorous evaluation, which balances accountability and learning.

Energy for Development in South Asia: addressing energy inequality sustainably

This report discusses the links between energy access, poverty and inequality in South Asia.

Low-carbon development in South Asia: leapfrogging to a green future

The report gives examples of the potential for low-carbon energy in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan.

Energy for our common future

With Aprodev, we supported organisations from India, South Africa, Bolivia and Peru to develop responses to World Bank energy strategy review.

The missing millions: the cost of tax dodging to developing countries

Looks at the tax dodging that has cost the countries that receive money from the Scottish Government’s international development fund almost £43m.