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27 resources

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ITL Dairy Value Chain Project, Zimbabwe

Find our more about our new ITL project in Zimbabwe.

ECID Final evaluation report

The report is a final evaluation of the ECID which was implemented in Myanmar, Nigeria and Zimbabwe

Gender, Inclusion, Power & Politics (GIPP) Toolkit - Part One - Guide

GIPP is an analysis tool developed by Christian Aid and Social Development Direct, through the ECID programme.

Gender, Inclusion, Power & Politics (GIPP) Toolkit - Part Two - Toolkit

GIPP is an analysis tool developed by Christian Aid and Social Development Direct, through the Evidence and Collaboration for Inclusive Development (ECID) programme, funded by UK Aid.

Christian Aid Zimbabwe SMT

The team behind Christian Aid Zimbabwe

Climate migration in the Dry Corridor of Central America

This study examines the relationship between three factors – migration, gender and climate change – in the Central American Dry Corridor

Migraciones climáticas en el Corredor Seco Centroamericano

This study examines the relationship between three factors – migration, gender and climate change – in the Central American Dry Corridor (Spanish)

Prayer for those affected by Cyclone Idai

A prayer for all communities affected.

Joint Country Programme newsletter - July - Sept 2018

A new country director, piped water comes to villages in Mumbeji, advocating for tax justice and more...

The market garden - growing sustainable businesses with women farmers

The market garden - growing sustainable businesses with women farmers

Christian Aid Ireland’s adaptive programme management

This paper is the product of a collaboration between ODI and Christian Aid Ireland to assess the relevance of adaptive approaches.

Crazy Climate classroom activities

A selection of classroom activities for ages 7-11 exploring the impact of climate change and poverty.

Crazy Climate classroom activities - Welsh

A selection of classroom activities in Welsh for ages 7-11 exploring the impact of climate change and poverty.

Crazy Climate: all resources - English

Download all of our Crazy Climate resources in one go through a zip file.

Adapta annual report 2017

“Building climatic resilience in the fine cocoa and honey sectors” aims to revolutionise agriculture and apiculture in Nicaragua.

Adapta interactive annual report 2017

Proyecto Adapta: “Building climatic resilience in the fine cocoa and honey sectors” aims to revolutionise agriculture and apiculture in Nicaragua.

Zambia Joint Country Programme Strategic Plan 2016-20

New strategy for the Joint Country Programme (JCP) Zambia

The poverty challenge game

The poverty challenge game