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6 resources

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Keeping hope alive: Christian Aid's work on peace - Impact study 2019

Without an explicit focus on peace, there can be no sustainable development. This study shares key examples of impact and some things we’ve learnt alo

Keeping hope alive: IOPT case study

Case study from Christian Aid's work on peace in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory.

साझेदारीतामाफ त शी थानीयकरण (Accelerating localisation - Nepali)

Recommendations to strengthen leadership of actors in partnership-based humanitarian action in Nepal. (English language also available.)

Accelerating localisation research summary - Nepal

Recommendations to strengthen leadership of actors in partnership-based humanitarian action in Nepal

Prayers for the Nepal earthquake

Ressurection, offering and intercession prayers for the Nepal earthquake.

Breaking down barriers: working for peace in a holy land

This booklet is designed to help readers understand more about the conflict in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory (IOPT).