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26 resources

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On the brink: Climate migrations in Colombia and Honduras

This report presents findings from Christian Aid-funded research to identify the intersections between human rights, climate change, and gender in relation to the issue of climate migration in Honduras and Colombia.

Prayer for peace and justice

Join us in prayer as we continue to pray for the Middle East.

Middle East Crisis Appeal Church Powerpoint

A presentation about the Middle East Crisis Appeal to use in services for a church collection.

Prayer for peace

A prayer for peace in the Middle East.

A Prayer for Pakistan

In response to the devastating floods.

Breaking the barriers Honduras update

Breaking the barriers Honduras update

Climate migration in the Dry Corridor of Central America

This study examines the relationship between three factors – migration, gender and climate change – in the Central American Dry Corridor

Migraciones climáticas en el Corredor Seco Centroamericano

This study examines the relationship between three factors – migration, gender and climate change – in the Central American Dry Corridor (Spanish)

Advent prayers for Syria and Yemen

God of Advent, We wait for a message to the world, and a message has come. Not a message of hope but of horror.

Keeping hope alive: Central America case study

Case study from Christian Aid's work on peace in Central America.

Harvest church magazine article

Harvest church magazine article

Harvest toolkit: assembly - Welsh

Harvest toolkit: assembly - Welsh

Disaster strikes: all resources

Disaster strikes: all resources

Reporting serious concerns - Arabic version 

Reporting serious concerns - Arabic version 

LPRR final evaluation report

The Linking Preparedness, Response and Resilience (LPRR) project was carried out from 2015 to the end of March 2018.

LPRR knowledge co-development paper

Co-production is a process through which partners draw upon their own learning to feed into a collective knowledge creation process.

LPRR: Empowering communities to lead humanitarian response

The project contributes to the localisation agenda by offering a demand-led practical approach to shift power to local actors and disaster survivors.

Conflict prevention strand of the LPRR

The aim of this paper is to describe the process of implementing the LPRR pilots and to gather learning about what worked well and what did not.