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53 resources

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Gaza Appeal Church PowerPoint

A presentation about the appeal to use in services for a church collection.

Gaza Appeal Church PowerPoint (Welsh)

A presentation about the appeal to use in services for a church collection.

An open letter to all MPs - Gaza ceasfire vote

An open letter to all MPs - Gaza ceasfire vote

Prayer for peace and justice

Join us in prayer as we continue to pray for the Middle East.

The UK's complicity must end - Letter

Download this letter and share with your MP

Middle East Crisis Appeal Church Powerpoint

A presentation about the Middle East Crisis Appeal to use in services for a church collection.

Middle East Crisis - Resources for a Prayer Vigil

Resources to help you and your church pray in response to the current crisis in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Prayer for peace

A prayer for peace in the Middle East.

'Where is Palestine?' - report

Read this report by our Head of Middle East Policy & Advocacy.

Christian Aid in the Philippines: an exit learning review

Building climate resilience and strengthening civil society

Advent prayers for Syria and Yemen

God of Advent, We wait for a message to the world, and a message has come. Not a message of hope but of horror.

Christian Aid Philippines: Typhoon Mangkhut Response Experience

An assessement of Christian Aid's emergency response to Typhoon Mangkhut (local name Ompong).

Keeping hope alive: Christian Aid's work on peace - Impact study 2019

Without an explicit focus on peace, there can be no sustainable development. This study shares key examples of impact and some things we’ve learnt alo

Keeping hope alive: IOPT case study

Case study from Christian Aid's work on peace in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory.

Christian Aid Ireland’s adaptive programme management

This paper is the product of a collaboration between ODI and Christian Aid Ireland to assess the relevance of adaptive approaches.

Ecumenical prayer vigil for peace in Gaza

There is a monthly ecumenical prayer vigil across the globe until there is an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. 

Disaster strikes: all resources

Disaster strikes: all resources

Crazy Climate classroom activities

A selection of classroom activities for ages 7-11 exploring the impact of climate change and poverty.