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8 resources

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Heart for the Earth Primary Assembly

An assembly exploring the theme of climate justice and the work of Christian Aid.

Baking Baku: The economic impact of climate change on Eastern Europe

A new report shows Azerbaijan, COP29 host, faces Eastern Europe’s highest economic risk from climate change.

Heart for the Earth Secondary Tutor Sessions

A series of short sessions designed for use in Tutor Group sessions reflecting on climate justice.

Cooking up a storm: The climate threat to food supply chains

A report on the effects of climate change on food supply chains in UK, Germany and Italy.

Faith in Action Bible Study - you can make a difference

We're all different but we can all put faith into action

Loss and Damage - A Theological Reflection

Explore loss and damage from a theological perspective

Climate justice family activities

Activities for praying for climate justice with children and young people

Window on the World

This resource, designed for primary school teachers, looks at the effects of climate change around the world and close to home.