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177 resources

Showing 55 - 72. Show all results

Gaza Crisis Parliamentary briefing

Give or send our latest UK parliamentary briefing to your MP.

Big Brekkie flyer (English)

An editable flyer to promote your event (English).

Big Brekkie flyer (Welsh)

An editable flyer to promote your Big Brekkie.

Big Brekkie poster (English)

An editable poster to promote your Big Brekkie.

Big Brekkie poster (Welsh)

An editable poster to promote your event (Welsh).

Lent Lunch donation form (English)

A printable form to keep track of donations (English).

Lent Lunch how-to guide

A step-by-step guide to planning your Lent Lunch.

Lent Lunch invitations (English)

Editable invitations to your Lent Lunch (English).

Lent Lunch placemat (English)

A placemat to thank attendees (English).

Lent Lunch poster (English)

An editable poster to promote your event (English).

Lent Vigil for Climate Justice Template Press Release

Tell your local community your vigil story

Lent Vigil for Climate Justice participant pack

Prepare for the vigil with our participant pack

Vigil From Home

Spend an hour in prayer for climate justice

COP28 Prayer Walk

Pray as you walk, or as you journey to your local rally

Givestar FAQs

Guidance on how to use Givestar

Climate Justice Conversation Starters

A collection of statements to encourage productive climate justice conversations.

Pray for Climate Justice

A prayer resource to guide and inspire your prayers for climate justice.

Prayers and Placards Activity Pack

Get your church active for climate justice. This pack references events from 2023, but can still be used today.