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177 resources

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Balancing research and practice in an international NGO

Reflections on setting up a long-term study of change in an international NGO

Classroom Ideas Guide EYFS

Classroom Ideas Guide EYFS

Classroom Ideas Guide Key Stage 1

This Global Neighbours guide for Key Stage 1 is packed with ideas to help you explore Global Citizenship in your classroom.

Classroom Ideas Guide Key Stage 2

This Global Neighbours guide for Key Stage 2 is packed with ideas to help you explore Global Citizenship in your classroom.

Classroom Ideas Guide Religious Education

This Global Neighbours guide for Religious Education is packed with ideas to help you explore Global Citizenship in your classroom.

Belong presentation images

Belong presentation images

Belong youth resource

Download this resource

Salt modern day slavery presentation

Salt modern day slavery presentation

Campaigning with Craftivism

Find out how to incorporate Craftivism as a useful tool in your activism toolkit

Campaigning with your local politician

Discover how to engage your local politician to campaign with you.

Campaigning with your local politician

Discover how to engage your local politician to campaign with this toolkit

Running a campaign action

Learn how to put pressure on decision-makers and make your campaign actions impactful.

Lent and Easter school assembly pack

In this assembly, pupils will explore the importance of community, living well together, and climate action. 

Ecumenical prayer vigil for peace in Gaza

There is a monthly ecumenical prayer vigil across the globe until there is an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. 

Fair's fair assembly

Fair's fair assembly and notes

Make a difference with coffee assembly

Make a difference with coffee assembly

Make a difference with coffee assembly presentation

Make a difference with coffee assembly presentation

Nuts about nature assembly presentation

Nuts about nature assembly presentation