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53 resources

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Christian Aid resources in the Curriculum for Wales

Power point presentation showing how Christian Aid’s resources can fit under headings in the Humanities area of learning and experience, resources for sixth formers and assemblies.

Resources for Sunday schools and youth groups

A document describing our resources for churches to use with children and young people groups. The resources can be accessed by clicking on the pictures on the page.

Big Brekkie Colour Flyer (Welsh Bilingual)

1 English and 1 Welsh A5 Colour flier to publicise your event

Big Brekkie Editable Poster (Welsh)

An editable poster to publicise your event (Welsh)

Working together with volunteers - Welsh

Mae Cymorth Cristnogol yn ymroi i weithio mewn partneriaeth â chi ac â chymunedau ledled Prydain ac Iwerddon i drechu tlodi ac anghyfiawnder.

Gweddi dros Wcráin

A prayer for Ukraine in Welsh

Gweddïau WCC ddigidol 2020

Gweddïau WCC ddigidol 2020

Nodiadau pregeth WCC ddigidol

Nodiadau pregeth WCC ddigidol

Trefn Gwasanaeth WCC ddigidol

Trefn Gwasanaeth WCC ddigidol

Advent prayers for Syria and Yemen

God of Advent, We wait for a message to the world, and a message has come. Not a message of hope but of horror.

Syrian Civil Society: A closing door report

This report seeks to give a truer view of Syrian civil society, giving a voice to people who have often been mentioned only as a footnote to atrocities, as aid workers killed in a shelling, or vilified as terrorists in the narratives of the government.

Ecumenical prayer vigil for peace in Gaza

There is a monthly ecumenical prayer vigil across the globe until there is an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. 

Prayer for hope

Prayer for hope

Time for tax: a workshop on tax justice - Welsh

Time for tax: a workshop on tax justice - Welsh

Time for tax: activity sheet and case studies - Welsh

Time for tax: activity sheet and case studies - Welsh

Mothers' Day primary assembly - English

This assembly celebrates Mothering Sunday. It features stories of families whose lives have been affected by conflict.

Faith and deeds

A service to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation based on the Catholic Reformation.