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16 resources

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General election school resources 2024

Resources to support schools in teaching about the general election 2024

Adnoddau ar gyfer ysgolion Sul a grwpiau ieuenctid

Dogfen yn disgrifio ein adnoddau i eglwysi ar gyfer grwpiau plant a phobl ifanc. Mae clicio ar y dudalen yn agor yr adnodd ar y we.

Adnoddau Cymorth Cristnogol yn y Cwricwlwm i Gymru

Cyflwyniad Pwynt pwer yn dangos sut gall adnoddau Cymorth Cristnogol ffitio yn y maes dysgu a phrofiad Y Dyniaethau, adnoddau ar gyfer chweched dosbarth a gwasanaethau.

Christian Aid resources in the Curriculum for Wales

Power point presentation showing how Christian Aid’s resources can fit under headings in the Humanities area of learning and experience, resources for sixth formers and assemblies.

Resources for Sunday schools and youth groups

A document describing our resources for churches to use with children and young people groups. The resources can be accessed by clicking on the pictures on the page.

Drink From The Well: Harvest assembly

Download our Harvest assembly for primary and secondary schools

Window on the World: lessons in climate justice

Download the teacher's notes.

Primary resources: sessions 1 and 2

Download our Life Giving Water and All You Need is Love resources for primary schools.

Secondary resources: sessions 1 and 2

Download sessions 1 and 2 of Drink from the Well for secondary schools. 

Schools thank you certificate

Celebrate your school's fundraising with this beautiful thank you certificate. 

Salvation: spiritual or practical?

This lesson explores a central belief of Christianity: that humans are sinful and that they can be ‘saved’. It looks at different Christian teachings about salvation:through faith (Paul) and through deeds/action (James).

What is ‘evil’? Is there a solution to suffering?

This lesson explores the problems of evil and suffering in a Christian context. Students are encouraged to consider different forms of evil and to debate whether suffering is gendered.

What is the point of modern Christian mission?

This lesson explores the history of Christian mission, and different definitions of that word today. It considers the extent to which Christian Aid, a charity that expressly does not proselytize, might be said to engage in modern Christian mission.

What kind of charity is Christian Aid?

This lesson considers Christian Aid’s foundations as a Christian charity, with reference to biblical teachings.

Time for tax: a workshop on tax justice - Welsh

Time for tax: a workshop on tax justice - Welsh

Time for tax: activity sheet and case studies - Welsh

Time for tax: activity sheet and case studies - Welsh