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13 resources

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How Covid-19 Shrank Civic Space

This study urgently raises issues around the increasingly restricted civic space since the onset of Covid-19.

How Covid-19 Shrank Civic Space - Report Summary

The global Covid-19 pandemic brought unprecedented restrictions to civic space throughout 2020-21 - Report Summary

ECID Final evaluation report

The report is a final evaluation of the ECID which was implemented in Myanmar, Nigeria and Zimbabwe

Gender, Inclusion, Power & Politics (GIPP) Toolkit - Part One - Guide

GIPP is an analysis tool developed by Christian Aid and Social Development Direct, through the ECID programme.

Gender, Inclusion, Power & Politics (GIPP) Toolkit - Part Two - Toolkit

GIPP is an analysis tool developed by Christian Aid and Social Development Direct, through the Evidence and Collaboration for Inclusive Development (ECID) programme, funded by UK Aid.

The Scandal of Inequality

Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean is deep and widespread; it has a great effect on the lives of many across the region.

Power analysis: A learning review

Power analysis: A learning review

How can Christian Aid strengthen grassroots voices?

How can Christian Aid strengthen grassroots voices?

Management response to Power Learning Review

Management response to Power Learning Review

Christian Aid/PPA performance review 2011-2016

Christian Aid/PPA performance review 2011-2016

Partnership, power and adaptive programming

Learning from Christian Aid: Governance service contracts

Resilience framework

Our Resilience Framework sets out how we work with partners to support communities to identify the risks they face, access resources and effectively to achieve sustainable results.

Christian Aid's response: Power Learning Review

An investigation into how well we have integrated issues of power within our PPA work at partner and programme level and how this has influenced our programme practice as a result.