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13 resources

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Gender Justice capability statement

Find out how we have been, and will continue to be, breaking barriers for women around the world.

Working effectively with faith leaders - harmful traditional practices

Working effectively with faith leaders - harmful traditional practices

Christian Aid gender strategy: just and equitable power relations

Christian Aid gender strategy: just and equitable power relations

Voice to the people: research summary

Voice to the people: research summary

Management response to Power Learning Review

Management response to Power Learning Review

Resilience framework

Our Resilience Framework sets out how we work with partners to support communities to identify the risks they face, access resources and effectively to achieve sustainable results.

Leave no one behind - from goals to implementation

Leave no one behind - from goals to implementation

What Works for Women

Argues that women produce around half the world’s food, yet their contribution often goes unrecognised.

Inequality and the state

This paper uses Christian Aid’s programme and policy experience to look at the relationship between inequality and development.

Can tax challenge bad governance? 

Argues that while there are no rules about what sort of tax system is best for governance, there are clear policy implications for donors and NGOs.

No small change: Christian Aid's understanding of how change happens

This paper sets out some thinking behind Christian Aid's approach to social change.

Christian Aid's response: Power Learning Review

An investigation into how well we have integrated issues of power within our PPA work at partner and programme level and how this has influenced our programme practice as a result.

Flagship or failure (2005)

This paper looks at corporate behaviour and OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises.