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18 resources

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Big Justice Story Sack supporting activities

Chatterbox and Strength Card Activities for session13.

The Christian Aid Poverty Report

We believe that human flourishing is not simply the absence of poverty.

Prayer for Lebanon

Prayer for Lebanon

A theological reflection on coronavirus

A reflection on love and healing in this time of coronavirus.

An economy of life briefing

An economy of life briefing

Prayer for those affected by floods

Compassionate God, source of all comfort, We pray for the people whose lives have devastated by rain and flood.

God of reconciliation and grace

God of reconciliation and grace, you promise us a world where all is new...

God of the impossible

God of the impossible, we pray for justice, peace and reconciliation.

Loving God, you make us in your image

Loving God, you make us in your image. Forgive us when we fail to see your image in each other...

Prayer for an end to poverty

Creator God, you loved the world into life.

Time for tax: a workshop on tax justice - Welsh

Time for tax: a workshop on tax justice - Welsh

Time for tax: activity sheet and case studies

Time for tax: activity sheet and case studies

Time for tax: activity sheet and case studies - Welsh

Time for tax: activity sheet and case studies - Welsh

Prayer for emergencies

O God, our refuge and strength, our help in times of trouble.

Of the Same Flesh: exploring a theology of gender

Of the Same Flesh: exploring a theology of gender

Theology and international development

This paper consolidates Christian Aid’s theological thinking on critical issues in its international development work. 

No small change: Christian Aid's understanding of how change happens

This paper sets out some thinking behind Christian Aid's approach to social change.

All creation groaning - a theological approach to climate change

This paper examines a theological approach to climate change.