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9 resources

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Scandal of inequality 2 infographic (Spanish)

Infographic to accompany the Scandal of inequality 2 report

The Scandal of Inequality

Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean is deep and widespread; it has a great effect on the lives of many across the region.

The Scandal of Inequality 2 (Spanish)

The Scandal of Inequality 2 (Spanish)

The scandal of inequality 2 infographic (English)

The scandal of inequality 2 infographic (English)

Christian Aid Latin American and Caribbean strategy

Christian Aid Latin American and Caribbean strategy

Christian Aid Colombia estrategia 2012-2017 (Spanish)

Christian Aid ha trabajado en Colombia desde 1980. Nuestra misión es exponer la violencia estructural y física y crear una sociedad igualita.

Christian Aid Colombia country strategy 2012-17

Christian Aid has worked in Colombia since the 1980s. Our mission is to expose structural and physical violence and achieve equality for all.

The scandal of inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean

Investigates where progress has been made, what policies are driving improvement, and sets out what more needs to be done.

The scandal of inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean (Spanish)

Investigates where progress has been made, what policies are driving improvement, and sets out what more needs to be done (Spanish).