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15 resources

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Volunteer Privacy Policy

Find out how Christian Aid protects your privacy as a volunter.

Expenses claim form

Once you’ve agreed to any expenses with your Volunteer Manager, please record specific items on this form.

Volunteer expenses policy

In this policy, you’ll learn what volunteers can claim as expenses and how to submit their claim.

A feminist social contract rooted in fiscal justice

This essay focuses on public financing for public services, the structural constraints and challenges faced by Global South nations and people...

What do we owe each other?

Essay looking at community-based versus wider/formal social contracts.

Working together with volunteers

We’re committed to working in partnership with you and many communities across the UK and Ireland.

Working together with volunteers - Welsh

Mae Cymorth Cristnogol yn ymroi i weithio mewn partneriaeth â chi ac â chymunedau ledled Prydain ac Iwerddon i drechu tlodi ac anghyfiawnder.

Getting to good – towards responsible corporate tax behaviour

This discussion paper looks at how companies can go beyond legal tax compliance, resulting in gains for developing countries. 

Drugs and illicit practices: the impact on development and governance

Collection of case studies published in the names of its independent authors, with the views expressed not necessarily endorsed by Christian Aid.

Lessons from Mali’s Arab Spring: why democracy must work for the poor

In early 2012, the landlocked west African country of Mali was rocked by a full-blown separatist rebellion in its northern regions.

Taxing Ghana's informal sector: the experience of women

This paper looks at the situation of women working in the informal sector in Ghana and their experience of taxation.

Introducing political settlements

Introduction to ongoing discussions on political settlements in the development community.

Inequality and the state

This paper uses Christian Aid’s programme and policy experience to look at the relationship between inequality and development.

Can tax challenge bad governance? 

Argues that while there are no rules about what sort of tax system is best for governance, there are clear policy implications for donors and NGOs.