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294 resources

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Leave No Woman Behind: lessons from Asia and the Middle East

This report helps development practitioners, and donors, to identify and address the needs of those most at risk of being left behind.

Adapta annual review 2016-17

Proyecto Adapta is a four-year project

From Traditional Birth Attendants to "Mother Companions"

From Traditional Birth Attendants to "Mother Companions"

Partnership for Improved Child Health: delivering child healthcare

Most cases of child death in Nigeria are caused by treatable diseases like malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia.

Research summary: better forecasting delivers impact

Since 2007, Rice Watch Action Network has been helping small-scale farmers adapt to a changing environment through the Climate Resiliency Field School.

National Nigeria HIV/AIDS Stigma Reduction Strategy

A strategy and guide to basic planning in the prevention and management of HIV stigma and discrimination in Nigeria.

Faith leaders and family planning report

Faith leaders and family planning report

New pathways out of poverty for Africa

New pathways out of poverty for Africa - Report

Case studies - improving community response against malaria

Case studies from the Improving Community Response against Malaria (ICRAM+K) project in Kaduna State, Nigeria.

Developing climate services in the Philippines - Prog. Review Summary

A summary of an impact assessment carried out in the Philippines, on Christian Aid’s partner Rice Watch Action Network's programme to help farmers.

Scandal of inequality 2 infographic (Spanish)

Infographic to accompany the Scandal of inequality 2 report

The Scandal of Inequality

Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean is deep and widespread; it has a great effect on the lives of many across the region.

The Scandal of Inequality 2 (Spanish)

The Scandal of Inequality 2 (Spanish)

The scandal of inequality 2 infographic (English)

The scandal of inequality 2 infographic (English)

Christian Aid gender strategy: just and equitable power relations

Christian Aid gender strategy: just and equitable power relations

Gender Justice 2017: just and equitable power relations for all

Gender Justice 2017: just and equitable power relations for all

Improving Response to Malaria in Kaduna state - summary report

Project summary ICRAM+K malaria project in Nigeria.

The state of governance in Nigeria: A situational analysis of Abia, Ebonyi, Imo and Kaduna States

Including citizens in the governing processes of a nation is crucial to achieve sustainable social and economic development. This study looks at the state of governance in eight communities in Nigeria.