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294 resources

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Voice to the people: research summary

Voice to the people: research summary

Religion and the Adolescent Girl: a formative study in Kaduna state

A study from the Collective Action for Adolescent Girls Initiative (CAAGI) two-year pilot project funded by Christian Aid in Nigeria.

Power analysis: A learning review

Power analysis: A learning review

Case study - community health and HIV response Nigeria

Through the Strengthening Community Health and HIV project in Nigeria, Community Health Agents were established to educate vulnerable communities.

Evaluation of Christian Aid’s DEC Typhoon Haiyan Rehabilitation and Resilience Building Programme

An external evaluation of Christian Aid's DEC-supported response to Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda in the Philippines.

How can Christian Aid strengthen grassroots voices?

How can Christian Aid strengthen grassroots voices?

PPA Project Summary Report: strengthening community health and HIV response in Nigeria

A summary of achievements, challenges and lessons from the community health and HIV response in Nigeria.

Zambia Joint Country Programme, Newsletter, December 2016

Read how a self-help approach is changing lives, and find out about a project to improve women's literacy in the latest newsletter of JCP Zambia, the joint programme of Christian Aid, DanChurchAid and Norwegian Church Aid.

Celebrating Inclusion - PACS India final report

A celebration of seven years of achievements, learnings and impact on the lives of millions of India’s poorest and marginalised people.

Maternal health in Isiolo County: stories of change from Kenya

This collection of case studies presents an insight into how Christian Aid’s UK Aid Match programme is improving the lives of girls, pregnant women and mothers in rural Kenya.

The Climate Challenge

Case study on community adaptation and women's empowerment in Bangladesh.

Guide: Integrating gender into inclusive markets development programme

Guide: Integrating gender into inclusive markets development programme

Christian Aid Humanitarian Response in North-East Nigeria: reaching the unreached

A summary of Christian Aid's humanitarian project in north-east Nigeria, aimed at providing food, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).

Kenya traditional birth attendants case study

A case study on how traditional birth attendants are improving maternal care and saving lives in Kenya.

Building resilience

Christian Aid’s resilience framework focuses on partnership, integration and empowerment.

Leave No One Behind and Global Equity: Reviewing our shared commitment

Leave No One Behind and Global Equity: Reviewing our shared commitment

Approaches to Community Engagement and Voice Enhancement for marginalised People - lessons from V2P

A report on the Voice to the People project in Nigeria - our approach, achievements, lessons, challenges and future plans.

Developing Climate services in the Phillipines: programme review

A review of the Rice Watch Action Network's Climate Resiliency Field School. A season-long training programme with a focus on sustainable farming.