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10 resources

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Breaking Bread Guide - Welsh Language

Download our Breaking Bread guide in Welsh

Breaking Bread Guide

A guide to help you and your church build a poverty-busting relationship with your elected representative(s)

Campaigning with Craftivism

Find out how to incorporate Craftivism as a useful tool in your activism toolkit

Campaigning with your local politician

Discover how to engage your local politician to campaign with you.

Running a campaign action

Learn how to put pressure on decision-makers and make your campaign actions impactful.

Christian Aid Bangladesh strategy 2012-2017

Christian Aid Bangladesh’s strategy 2012 - 2017 is closely aligned with several of the global goals laid out in Partnership for Change.

Christian Aid Brasil estratégia 2012-2017 (Portuguese)

A Christian Aid no Brasil lança sua nova estratégia para 2012 – 2017, em um país cheio de contradições.

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire (Part 2)

In this report, three case studies – from Angola, Mali, and Honduras – of responses to climate change and conflict are presented.

Leave no one behind - from goals to implementation

Leave no one behind - from goals to implementation

Christian Aid Colombia country strategy 2012-17

Christian Aid has worked in Colombia since the 1980s. Our mission is to expose structural and physical violence and achieve equality for all.