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249 resources

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Philanthropic Capital Investment Fund information

Strategic giving for social impact

Christian Aid Ghana: An exit learning review

Christian Aid Ghana closed in 2020, part of a wider restructure of Christian Aid. This review seeks to celebrate the work of the Ghana programme, and capture learning to share with partners, other Christian Aid programmes, and the development sector.

South Africa learning review

Learning from our work in South Africa

Christian Aid Zimbabwe SMT

The team behind Christian Aid Zimbabwe

Brew and Bake Coffee Morning Guide

A guide to running your own coffee and quiz event, virtually or in person.

Global Neighbours Autumn Appeal School Assembly Powerpoint

PowerPoint to accompany the primary school assembly.

Global Neighbours Autumn Appeal School Assembly Script

Primary school assembly to introduce pupils to Ariana and her family.

Desarollo de mercados inclusivos para construir paz en Colombia

Desarollo de mercados inclusivos para construir paz en Colombia

Development of Inclusive Markets to Build Peace in Colombia

Development of Inclusive Markets to Build Peace in Colombia

Evidence Report: Project Maria Caicedo

Development of inclusive markets to build peace in Colombia. The case of the Peasant Reserve Zones of the Cimitarra River Valley, Catatumbo and Tulua.

Informe de evidencia: Proyecto María Caicedo

Desarrollo de mercados inclusivos para construir paz en Colombia. El caso de las Zonas de Reserva Campesina del Valle del Río Cimitarra, Catatumbo y Tuluá

Accountable Governance, Power and Human Rights Framework

Accountable Governance, Power and Human Rights Framework

Balancing research and practice in an international NGO

Reflections on setting up a long-term study of change in an international NGO

Understanding change and peacebuilding in a Colombian human rights NGO

How has the Theory of Change of Colombian human rights NGO the Inter-Church Justice & Peace Commission, changed in response to the 2016 Peace Accord?

Climate migration in the Dry Corridor of Central America

This study examines the relationship between three factors – migration, gender and climate change – in the Central American Dry Corridor

Migraciones climáticas en el Corredor Seco Centroamericano

This study examines the relationship between three factors – migration, gender and climate change – in the Central American Dry Corridor (Spanish)

Illicit drugs and tough trade-offs in war-to-peace transitions

Millions of marginalised people rely on illicit drug economies for survival. It is time to end the separation of drugs policy and development policy.

Use and abuse of tax breaks: how tax incentives become harmful

Tax incentives widespread, but ineffective for developmet. How do they become harmful, and what can be done to stop their abuse?