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7 resources

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South Africa learning review

Learning from our work in South Africa

Accountable Governance, Power and Human Rights Framework

Accountable Governance, Power and Human Rights Framework

Balancing research and practice in an international NGO

Reflections on setting up a long-term study of change in an international NGO

UK-based academics in fair and equitable research partnerships

Resources to help UK-based academics put principles for fair and equitable research partnerships into practice.

Sierra Leone: women and politics - qualitative participatory research

A participatory governance assessment in Sierra Leone, focused on Christian Aid’s partner SEND and its women in governance project.

Kenya: guide to contribution analysis methods

A guide to the theory behind contribution analysis and the practical steps taken in applying the approach during an evaluation in Kenya.

Research methodology: guide to process tracing and realist evaluation

A guide on the steps necessary to conduct process tracing, with a brief section on how and where to combine this with realist evaluation.