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246 resources

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From local to global: stopping corruption from stunting development

In this report, we argue that Western governments are not doing enough to champion legitimate business practices. 

Can tax challenge bad governance? 

Argues that while there are no rules about what sort of tax system is best for governance, there are clear policy implications for donors and NGOs.

The Gaza Strip: a humanitarian implosion

Argues that the situation in Gaza is manmade, completely avoidable and, with the necessary political will, can also be reversed.

No small change: Christian Aid's understanding of how change happens

This paper sets out some thinking behind Christian Aid's approach to social change.

All creation groaning - a theological approach to climate change

This paper examines a theological approach to climate change.

The impact of World Bank and IMF conditionality - Nicaragua

Privatisation has increasingly become a condition of aid, new loans and debt relief. This report looks at the failure of that policy in Nicaragua.

Christian Aid's response: Power Learning Review

An investigation into how well we have integrated issues of power within our PPA work at partner and programme level and how this has influenced our programme practice as a result.

Programme Practice Paper: Christian Aid and Leave No One Behind

A summary of how Christian Aid views the implications of the principle #LeaveNoOneBehind in its programme practice.

Agricultural liberalisation in Haiti (2006)

Examines Haiti’s experience of trade liberalisation particularly in reference to the agriculture sector, which suffered decline post liberalisation.

Flagship or failure (2005)

This paper looks at corporate behaviour and OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises.

Facts on the ground: the end of the two-state solution (2004)

The report details the strangulation of the Palestinian economy, as more land is taken from the West Bank for settler roads and settlements.

Losing ground: Israel, poverty and the Palestinians (2003)

This report looks at how and why ordinary Palestinians find themselves in conditions of deepening poverty.