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246 resources

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Assessment of Primary Health Centres in Selected States of Nigeria

Summary report of findings from Christian Aid-supported communities in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Nigeria.

Ensuring sustainable growth for India in fair global climate agreement

Outlines the role India can play in laying down the foundations of an agreement in which equity and sustainable development are to the fore.

ICRAM Project in Anambra State Nigeria: report on research findings

The Improving Community Response to Management of Malaria (ICRAM) project was implemented in Anambra State, Nigeria

PHC Assessment Reports in Anambra

This report provides an analysis of the status of primary health centres supported by Christian Aid in Anambra State.

PHC Assessment Reports in Benue State

This report provides an analysis of the status of Christian Aid supported health facilities in Benue State.

PHC Assessment Reports in Kaduna State

This report provides an analysis of the status of the assessed Primary Health Centres in Kaduna State.

PHC Assessment Reports in Plateau State

This report provides an analysis of the status of Primary Health Centres (PHCs) in Plateau State.

PHC Assessment Reports in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT)

This report provides an analysis of the status of health facilities supported by Christian Aid in the FCT

Power to Change Institutions: our work in Nigeria

An introduction to Christian Aid's governance work in Nigeria - focusing on accountable governance, tax justice and social protection.

The Right to Essential Services: our work in Nigeria

An introduction to Christian Aid's work on rights and services in Nigeria, focussing on community health and HIV.

Leave no one behind - from goals to implementation

Leave no one behind - from goals to implementation

LPRR: action learning research

Within the LPRR project there is a need for rigorous evaluation, which balances accountability and learning.

Ebola in Sierra Leone: moving to sustainable recovery

Overview of the urgent issues identified as priorities at this stage of the epidemic (2015).

Time for climate justice 14 - climate justice for all

Time for climate justice 14 - climate justice for all

Picture Power: Understanding impact through a community lens

This programme aims to empower communities to identify and address risks that prevent them making the most of the opportunities to develop.

Impuestos a hombres y mujeres: Por qué el enfoque de género es crucial para un régimen fiscal justo

Este trabajo tiene como objetivo estimular el debate y ofrecer orientación a los que intentan hacer un analisis de genero en su sistema fiscal. (Gender analysis of tax system in Spanish.)

Sierra Leone - strengthening health systems parliamentary briefing

Discussed during parliamentary debate in 2014 on strengthening health systems in developing countries and development in Sierra Leone and Liberia.

Taxing men and women: why gender crucial for fair tax system (Spanish)

Taxing men and women: why gender crucial for fair tax system (Spanish)