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16 resources

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Partnership for Change: Christian Aid in Sierra Leone

Christian Aid’s Sierra Leone programme started in 1988 with a focus on service delivery and humanitarian assistance.

Voice to the people newsletter: May 2017

Voice to the People newsletter May 2017.

Christian Aid Bangladesh strategy 2012-2017

Christian Aid Bangladesh’s strategy 2012 - 2017 is closely aligned with several of the global goals laid out in Partnership for Change.

Christian Aid Brasil estratégia 2012-2017 (Portuguese)

A Christian Aid no Brasil lança sua nova estratégia para 2012 – 2017, em um país cheio de contradições.

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire (Part 2)

In this report, three case studies – from Angola, Mali, and Honduras – of responses to climate change and conflict are presented.

Marsabit County Resilience Study

This fieldwork was carried out to assess the value of investing in resilience work within pastoralist communities in Marsabit County, northern Kenya.

Religion and the Adolescent Girl

Religion and the Adolescent Girl

Building resilience

Christian Aid’s resilience framework focuses on partnership, integration and empowerment.

Developing Climate services in the Phillipines: programme review

A review of the Rice Watch Action Network's Climate Resiliency Field School. A season-long training programme with a focus on sustainable farming.

Resilience framework

Our Resilience Framework sets out how we work with partners to support communities to identify the risks they face, access resources and effectively to achieve sustainable results.

Picture Power: Capturing stories of change through photography in Kenya

This report features incredible stories of changes and challenges that the communities captured in photos that they took in their communities as well as data gathered as part of the wider outcome assessment activities.

The forgotten smile: stories of courage and resilience in Bangladesh

Stories, photos and case studies from those we work with in Bangladesh

Christian Aid in the Middle East strategy 2013-2017

Christian Aid in the Middle East strategy 2013-2017

Christian Aid Latin American and Caribbean strategy

Christian Aid Latin American and Caribbean strategy

Christian Aid Colombia estrategia 2012-2017 (Spanish)

Christian Aid ha trabajado en Colombia desde 1980. Nuestra misión es exponer la violencia estructural y física y crear una sociedad igualita.

Christian Aid Colombia country strategy 2012-17

Christian Aid has worked in Colombia since the 1980s. Our mission is to expose structural and physical violence and achieve equality for all.