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43 resources

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What do we owe each other?

Essay looking at community-based versus wider/formal social contracts.

Public Debt in Private Hands

Challenging private creditors holding sovereign debt

Assess and Assist; learning from Ukraine - English

This report tells the story of how our partners in Ukraine worked to respond to full-scale invasion of Ukraine by tailoring cash grants to people's needs.

Assess and Assist; learning from Ukraine - Ukrainian

This report tells the story of how our partners in Ukraine worked to respond to full-scale invasion of Ukraine by tailoring cash grants to people's needs. (Ukrainian)

Letting Go - Arabic

Letting Go tells the story of how our partners in Ukraine worked with local community groups to run transformative, community led programming. (Arabic)

Letting Go - Turkish

Letting Go tells the story of how our partners in Ukraine worked with local community groups to run transformative, community led programming. (Turkish)

Letting Go - Ukrainian

Letting Go tells the story of how our partners in Ukraine worked with local community groups to run transformative, community led programming. (Ukrainian)

Letting go of control (English)

This paper tells the story of how our partners in Ukraine worked with local community groups to run transformative, community led programming.

Working together with volunteers

We’re committed to working in partnership with you and many communities across the UK and Ireland.

Working together with volunteers - Welsh

Mae Cymorth Cristnogol yn ymroi i weithio mewn partneriaeth â chi ac â chymunedau ledled Prydain ac Iwerddon i drechu tlodi ac anghyfiawnder.

How Covid-19 Shrank Civic Space

This study urgently raises issues around the increasingly restricted civic space since the onset of Covid-19.

How Covid-19 Shrank Civic Space - Report Summary

The global Covid-19 pandemic brought unprecedented restrictions to civic space throughout 2020-21 - Report Summary

The Loss and Damage Finance Facility: why and how discussion paper

This paper outlines why a loss and damage finance (L&D) facility is needed.

A Review of Supporting Community Led Response (sclr) in Haiti

This summary explores the sclr approach at scale for the first time in a complex emergency response in Haiti.

SCLR Learning Analysis, Haiti

Christian Aid worked with local partner organisations to implement the Haiti Earthquake Response.

Volunteering policy

Your rights and our responsibilities around your data

Bridging the gap

Fiscal justice in sexual and reproductive health and rights in Africa. 

Modern Slavery Statement

Christian Aid's Modern Slavery Statement