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49 resources

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COP28 briefing paper

Download our briefing paper ahead of COP28 which includes our key messages and main asks to delegates. 

9 Lessons and Carols for Christmas

Please use this as a guide for planning your own Nine Lessons and Carols service. These resources were created by Christian Aid Scotland's Community Engagement and Fundraising Manager, Charlie, and Rt Rev Sally Foster-Fulton.

The 16th IMF Quota Review

Opportunities for greater representation of the global South in international economic decision-making.

What next for Special Drawing Rights?

Lessons from Christian Aid in Sierra Leone, Kenya and Malawi.

Report - The Loss and Damage Fund: Where does the money come from?

A new flagship Climate Justice report

Modern Slavery Statement 2023-24

To tackle the root causes of modern slavery is to tackle the root causes of poverty and marginalisation.

A feminist social contract rooted in fiscal justice

This essay focuses on public financing for public services, the structural constraints and challenges faced by Global South nations and people...

What do we owe each other?

Essay looking at community-based versus wider/formal social contracts.

Public Debt in Private Hands

Challenging private creditors holding sovereign debt

Assess and Assist; learning from Ukraine - English

This report tells the story of how our partners in Ukraine worked to respond to full-scale invasion of Ukraine by tailoring cash grants to people's needs.

Assess and Assist; learning from Ukraine - Ukrainian

This report tells the story of how our partners in Ukraine worked to respond to full-scale invasion of Ukraine by tailoring cash grants to people's needs. (Ukrainian)

Letting Go - Arabic

Letting Go tells the story of how our partners in Ukraine worked with local community groups to run transformative, community led programming. (Arabic)

Letting Go - Turkish

Letting Go tells the story of how our partners in Ukraine worked with local community groups to run transformative, community led programming. (Turkish)

Letting Go - Ukrainian

Letting Go tells the story of how our partners in Ukraine worked with local community groups to run transformative, community led programming. (Ukrainian)

Letting go of control (English)

This paper tells the story of how our partners in Ukraine worked with local community groups to run transformative, community led programming.

Risky business: private sovereign debt, fiscal crises and human rights

This brief looks at risks for vulnerable economies and its impact on human rights and sustainable development.

How Covid-19 Shrank Civic Space

This study urgently raises issues around the increasingly restricted civic space since the onset of Covid-19.