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246 resources

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Cocoa crisis: Climate change threat to chocolate

Our Valentine’s Day box of chocolates is under threat due to extreme weather in the world’s key cocoa growing regions.

Salt January Newsletter

We launched Salt Kenya, let's reflect and plan the year ahead!

Big Spring Sing Local

Big Spring Sing Local supports schools to partner with their local church to explore the themes of Easter through the work of Christian Aid, and to come together to celebrate a commitment to making the world a better place together. 

On the brink: Climate migrations in Colombia and Honduras

This report presents findings from Christian Aid-funded research to identify the intersections between human rights, climate change, and gender in relation to the issue of climate migration in Honduras and Colombia.

Counting the Cost 2024: A year of climate breakdown

The shocking cost of the world's worst claimed disasters in 2024 revealed.

Exploring Christian Aid Films

A list of suggested short Christian Aid films to support pupils to explore the work of Christian Aid with some suggested questions for reflection. 

Christmas and Advent Schools Resource

Resource to support schools to reflect on the themes of Advent and Christmas through the work of Christian Aid. Can be used as a learning journey or adapted into collective worship or assembly.

Heart for the Earth Primary Assembly

An assembly exploring the theme of climate justice and the work of Christian Aid.

Advent and Christmas Prayer Sheet

A prayer sheet for Advent and Christmas 2024.

Climate Feelings

Climate Feelings is an all-age resource to help promote emotional understanding and resilience in the face of climate change.

Assessing the effectiveness of Christian Aid’s livelihood intervention model: A comparative study to highlight successes, challenges

Our comparative study showed that overall, those involved in Christian Aid's livelihood intervention model demonstrated better livelihood outcomes than those in the same area, but not involved in the model.

Advent Sermon Notes

Sermon Notes for Advent 2024.

Advent sermon notes (Welsh)

Advent sermon notes for Christmas 2024 (Welsh language).

Mapping Climate Justice

Mapping Climate Justice presentation

Heart for the Earth secondary assembly

Secondary level assembly on Climate Justice and the work of Christian Aid.

Heart for the Earth Secondary Tutor Sessions

A series of short sessions designed for use in Tutor Group sessions reflecting on climate justice.

Salt Autumn Newsletter 2024

We have launched an in country Salt Chapter, read to find out more!

Big Spring Sing Easter Hope Learning Materials

Explore Easter and the work of Christian Aid through the theme of Easter Hope.