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63 resources

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Decolonisation and decoloniality paper

A position paper for research and evidence cultures in the development sector.

Faith in Action Bible Study - building Kingdom community

A bible study exploring how we build community with Kingdom values

Faith in Action Bible Study - mending our relationships

Mending our relationships with people and plant

Faith in Action Bible Study - speaking truth to power

Challenging the status quo

Faith in Action Bible Study - you can make a difference

We're all different but we can all put faith into action

Wake up and smell the coffee: The climate crisis and your coffee

A report on the effects of climate change on coffee production.

The climate cost to the Commonwealth

An assessment of the economic threat climate change poses to Commonwealth nations.

Undermining resilience: climate change, rights and mining

This report explores the mining industries in the Brazilian Amazon and how they contribute to climate change

Counting The Cost 2022: A year of climate breakdown

Outlining the true cost of 2022's climate disasters.

Just Scripture Facilitation Guide

A guide which provides advice on how to lead an intercultural bible study, and how to set one up.

Climate Injustice Just Scripture Study: Romans 8:18-25

A Just Scripture study which explores the theme of climate injustice using Romans 8:18-25

Gender Justice Just Scripture Study: John 8:1-11A Just Scripture study which explores the theme of gender justice using John 8:1-11

A Just Scripture study which explores the theme of gender justice using John 8:1-11

Just Scripture Introductory Session

An introductory session which outlines activities to help intercultural groups get to know each other better

Mission and Disability Just Scripture Study: Luke 5:12-16

A Just Scripture study which explores the theme of Mission and Disability using Luke 5:12-16

Economic Injustice Just Scripture Study: James 5:1-6

A Just Scripture study which explores the theme of economic injustice using James 5:1-6

(Re)acknowledging Feminist Agroecosystems: summary report

Learning from agroecosystems and networks of Women Farmers in Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo, Brazil

(Re)conhecendo a agroecologia feminista – versão completa da pesquisa

Como, por meio do manejo agroecológico de agroecossistemas as agricultoras organizadas contribuem para a igualdade de gênero, para a manutenção dos modos de vida de suas comunidades, para o cuidado da natureza e mudança climática.

Women on the Front Line

Read our new report which recognises that women are disproportionately affected by climate change.