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9 resources

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Corporate profiles - Nigeria

Christian Aid has been working in Nigeria since 2003. Click to see Nigeria's Corporate Profile at a glance.

Afghanistan Crisis Appeal 12-month update December 2022

A review of our work since the launch of our 2021 appeal.

Partnerships for humanitarian action: challenges for large INGOs

Partnerships for humanitarian action: challenges for large INGOs

Partnership practices for localisation: guidance notes (Spanish)

Partnership practices for localisation: guidance notes (Spanish)

Vers la localisation (Pathways to localisation - French)

Vers la localisation (Pathways to localisation - French)

Joint analysis and recommendations for the Grand Bargain Annual Review

Joint analysis and recommendations for the Grand Bargain Annual Review

Accelerating localisation research summary - Global

Accelerating localisation research summary - Global

Accelerating localisation research summary - Nigeria

Accelerating localisation research summary - Nigeria

Accelerating localisation research summary - South Sudan

Accelerating localisation research summary - South Sudan