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13 resources

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A Community Reporters Guide

A guide to support community development and to empower stakeholders in engaging governance processes.

Community Based Monitors Guide

This guide breaks down the role of a community based monitoring and how they act as active citizens to ensure government works for the people.

Doing Accountability Differently

This document explores the practice and results of Christian Aid's Voice to the People Programme in Anambra State, Nigeria.

Agriculture scorecard

A report which assess the Agriculture issues and recommendations, and checks whether they've been implemented by the MDAs.

National Revenue Authority scorecard

A report which assess the issues and recommendations, and checks whether they've been implemented by the MDAs.

SABI Learning Review: Triggering Citizen Action

SABI community citizen action for effective governance and improved public services. Has it succeeded?

Research and evaluation ToRs - a one-page guide

Research and evaluation ToRs - a one-page guide

Writing executive summary - a one-page guide

Writing executive summary - a one-page guide

Writing research questions - a one-page guide

Writing research questions - a one-page guide

Accessing academic journals: a one-page guide

Accessing academic journals: a one-page guide

Communicating research for uptake and impact - a one-page guide

Communicating research for uptake and impact - a one-page guide

Literature reviews - a one-page guide

Literature reviews - a one-page guide

Rethinking research partnerships: discussion guide and toolkit

Rethinking research partnerships: discussion guide and toolkit