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You can view Fundraising resources here.

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39 resources

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Big Brekkie Editable Flyer (Welsh)

An editable flyer to promote your event (Welsh).

Big Brekkie Editable Poster (Welsh)

An editable poster to publicise your event (Welsh).

Big Brekkie guide

Everything you need to plan a fundraising breakfast.

Quiz questions

Download for use at a quiz evening or for personal use.

Big Brekkie flyer (English)

An editable flyer to promote your event (English).

Big Brekkie flyer (Welsh)

An editable flyer to promote your Big Brekkie.

Big Brekkie poster (English)

An editable poster to promote your Big Brekkie.

Big Brekkie poster (Welsh)

An editable poster to promote your event (Welsh).

Lent Lunch donation form (English)

A printable form to keep track of donations (English).

Lent Lunch how-to guide

A step-by-step guide to planning your Lent Lunch.

Lent Lunch invitations (English)

Editable invitations to your Lent Lunch (English).

Lent Lunch placemat (English)

A placemat to thank attendees (English).

Lent Lunch poster (English)

An editable poster to promote your event (English).

Campaigner Briefing on Loss and Damage 2023

Download our Scotland Campaigner Briefing on Loss and Damage to find out more information and how you can get involved.

9 Lessons and Carols for Christmas

Please use this as a guide for planning your own Nine Lessons and Carols service. These resources were created by Christian Aid Scotland's Community Engagement and Fundraising Manager, Charlie, and Rt Rev Sally Foster-Fulton.

Middle East Crisis Appeal Church Powerpoint

A presentation about the Middle East Crisis Appeal to use in services for a church collection.

Prayer for Libya

A prayer for those affected by the flood in Libya

Prayer for Morocco

A prayer for those affected by the earthquake in Morocco.