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14 resources

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Gaza Appeal Church PowerPoint

A presentation about the appeal to use in services for a church collection.

Gaza Appeal Church PowerPoint (Welsh)

A presentation about the appeal to use in services for a church collection.

Children's activity sheet

An educational activity sheet for children, in Sunday school and other settings for Christian Aid Week 2024.

All-age service accompanying PowerPoint (Welsh)

Use these slides to share and explore Aline’s story with your whole church. Available in English.

All-age Service Accompanying PowerPoint

Use these slides to share and explore Aline’s story with your whole church.

Middle East Crisis - Resources for a Prayer Vigil

Resources to help you and your church pray in response to the current crisis in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Schools Resource: Reflective Journey

5 reflections for classrooms, assembly or collective worship

Christmas Appeal 2022 Report - Building Better Futures in Malawi

Download our Christmas Appeal report

Daily reading: 17 February

Daily Bible Reading 17th February

All-age talk and activities

A talk and activities for use with younger people.

Belong presentation images

Belong presentation images

Belong youth resource

Download this resource

Brazil elections - Prayer of the name of God taken in vain

Reflecting on Brazil's elections, our Global Theology Advisor Nancy Cardoso shared the following prayer.

Faith and deeds

A service to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation based on the Catholic Reformation.