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98 resources

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Global Strategy en español

Global Strategy en español

Global Strategy en français

Global Strategy en français

Annual Report 2021-22

Christian Aid's annual report and accounts for 2021/2022

Global Neighbours Bronze Exemplar

Use this exemplar to help you in your application to Global Neighbours. 

Feedback and complaints policy

This policy outlines how our staff should handle feedback and complaints.

Christian Aid's gender pay gap report 2021-2022

A 2-page report from our Chief Executive, Patrick Watt.

Christian Aid's Supplier Code of Conduct

We strive to purchase and source goods, services and works which are produced and delivered under conditions that do not involve the abuse or exploitation of any persons.

Churches film with voiceover

Inspire your congregation with this short video. Includes a voiceover.

Impact report - Year in review 2021/22

Christian Aid's objectives, key successes, challenges and accounts for the past year.

Case Study 1: Bronze Award Primary School

Explore the reflections from a primary school who achieved the Bronze Award.

Case Study 2: Bronze Award Infant School

Explore the reflections from an Infant School who achieved a Bronze Award.

Christian Aid Nigeria 2021 Factsheet

Christian Aid Nigeria 2021 Factsheet

Financial Crime and Abuse Policy

English-language version

Financial Crime and Abuse Policy

French-language version

Financial Crime and Abuse Policy

Spanish-language version

Financial Crime and Abuse Policy

Arabic-language version

Leaving and learning

This briefing summarises key principles that underpin Christian Aid’s approach to working with partners.

A game of snakes and ladders

Setting up a research function within an international development NGO