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If you are looking to order physical resources, please check these dedicated pages nearer the time Lent & Easter, Christian Aid Week, Harvest and Christmas resources.

You can view Fundraising resources here.

For Policy & practice resources, please filter the resources below.

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120 resources

Showing 55 - 72. Show all results

In their lifetime

In their lifetime

Building Back with Justice

Building Back with Justice sets out the actions governments must take to ensure that any global recovery from Covid-19 is one that tackles inequalities, addresses the climate crisis and sets us on a path to a different future.

Organising your own virtual fundraiser

Organising your own virtual fundraiser

Prayers in the time of coronavirus

Prayers in the time of coronavirus

Run your own virtual quiz

Run your own virtual quiz

How to organise a virtual Christian Aid service

How to organise a virtual Christian Aid service

ITL 10 year report

ITL 10 year report

Campaigning with Craftivism

Find out how to incorporate Craftivism as a useful tool in your activism toolkit

Campaigning with your local politician

Discover how to engage your local politician to campaign with you.

Running a campaign action

Learn how to put pressure on decision-makers and make your campaign actions impactful.

Editable flyers

Editable flyers

Editable poster

Editable poster

Post-event press release

Post-event press release

Pre-event press release

Pre-event press release

Support my event - Facebook graphic

A Facebook graphic to help you raise support for your fundraising event.

Please join me - Twitter graphic

Invite your family and friends to join you at your Christian Aid fundraising event with this Twitter graphic. 

Nelson Mandela assembly - English

An assembly to reflect on the courage of people who have stood up against injustice, and to celebrate the life and achievements of Nelson Mandela.