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18 resources

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Breaking the barriers Honduras update

Breaking the barriers Honduras update

CAAGI information sheet

Download a two page summary document of the CAAGI programme, including case studies of faith leaders advocating for adolescent girls.

Key findings: religion and time of marriage

A study based on listening to community members, local leaders, faith leaders, and adolescent girls in three areas of Kaduna state.

Religion and time of marriage: the role of faith leaders

Adolescent Girls (AGs) in Northern Nigeria have very limited choices and opportunities to reach their full potential.

Improving the choices and opportunities for adolescent girls toolkit

A guide for religious leaders of both Christian and Islamic faiths in Nigeria as they address the challenges faced by adolescent girls.

No more harmful traditional practices: working with faith leaders

No more harmful traditional practices: working with faith leaders

Working effectively with faith leaders - harmful traditional practices

Working effectively with faith leaders - harmful traditional practices

Faith leaders and family planning report

Faith leaders and family planning report

Tipping the energy balance

This paper explores nature and scope of energy financing in six key developing countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Kenya and Malawi.

Community Health for All: case studies from around the world

Community Health for All: case studies from around the world

Masculinity and Religion in Nigeria: findings from qualitative research

This study on religion and masculinity in Nigeria was conducted seeks to establish the impact of religious beliefs on masculinity amongst Christians and Muslims, paying particular attention to selected states (Enugu, Kaduna, Lagos and FCT).

Keeping the Faith: The role of faith leaders in the Ebola response

Recommends how faith leaders can support Ebola recovery in Sierra Leone and Liberia.

Ebola in Sierra Leone: moving to sustainable recovery

Overview of the urgent issues identified as priorities at this stage of the epidemic (2015).

Of the Same Flesh: exploring a theology of gender

Of the Same Flesh: exploring a theology of gender

Low-carbon Africa: Ghana

Emergent middle-income country developing and delivering low-carbon power for its people and wider economy. 

Low-carbon Africa: Nigeria

With oil and gas dominating Nigeria's economy, energy poverty is widespread, but efficient use of natural resources could deliver energy for all. 

Energy for our common future

With Aprodev, we supported organisations from India, South Africa, Bolivia and Peru to develop responses to World Bank energy strategy review.

Shifting of goal posts: rural electrification in India

Highlights failure of national grid approach to deliver electricity to rural India and presents alternative using decentralised renewable power.