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107 resources

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Economic Injustice Just Scripture Study: James 5:1-6

A Just Scripture study which explores the theme of economic injustice using James 5:1-6

Violence, peace and drugs in the borderlands

This consortium project has been engaging with the question of how war economies can be transformed into peace economies in drugs-affected borderlands experiencing, or recovering from, armed conflict.

Illicit drugs and tough trade-offs in war-to-peace transitions

Millions of marginalised people rely on illicit drug economies for survival. It is time to end the separation of drugs policy and development policy.

Trapped in illicit finance

Illicit financial flows rob the poor to enrich the wealthy. Ending abusive tax and trade practices is one way to ensure adequate funding for the SDGs.

Syrian Civil Society: A closing door report

This report seeks to give a truer view of Syrian civil society, giving a voice to people who have often been mentioned only as a footnote to atrocities, as aid workers killed in a shelling, or vilified as terrorists in the narratives of the government.

Prayer for South Sudan

Prayer for South Sudan

Financing Injustice

Financing Injustice

Keeping hope alive: Central America case study

Case study from Christian Aid's work on peace in Central America.

Keeping hope alive: Christian Aid's work on peace - Impact study 2019

Without an explicit focus on peace, there can be no sustainable development. This study shares key examples of impact and some things we’ve learnt alo

Keeping hope alive: Colombia case study

Case study from Christian Aid's work on peace in Colombia.

Keeping hope alive: IOPT case study

Case study from Christian Aid's work on peace in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory.

Generando Empresas y Derechos Humanos

The UN Business and Human Rights Framework must respond better to the negative impacts of business on the rights of women. (Spanish)

Corporate approaches to addressing modern day slavery

Corporate approaches to addressing modern day slavery

Tackling modern day slavery - the John Lewis Partnership

Tackling modern day slavery - the John Lewis Partnership

The new global debt crisis

Spiralling debt repayments divert precious resources from governments. Report on the debt crisis, its risks and ways to tackle it.

Christian Aid Ireland’s adaptive programme management

This paper is the product of a collaboration between ODI and Christian Aid Ireland to assess the relevance of adaptive approaches.

September meditation

September meditation

Fair's fair assembly

Fair's fair assembly and notes