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84 resources

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Corporate profiles - Nigeria

Christian Aid has been working in Nigeria since 2003. Click to see Nigeria's Corporate Profile at a glance.

ECODiN factsheet

The devastating effects of multi-dimensional climate impact, natural and human-induced disasters, and resource-based violent conflicts cannot be overemphasised in northwest Nigeria.

Gaza Appeal Church PowerPoint

A presentation about the appeal to use in services for a church collection.

Gaza Appeal Church PowerPoint (Welsh)

A presentation about the appeal to use in services for a church collection.

Virtual pilgrimage for Palestinians

Retrace the steps of a prayerful protest against the sale of arms to Israel

The Need for Peace - Welsh language

Download our Need for Peace crib sheet in Welsh

A Just Peace

Order or download our booklet exploring the path to peace in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory

Host a Tinderbox screening

Watch this powerful film with your church and catalyse action for a just peace.

Religious education unit: Beliefs and actions in the world

Religious education unit: Beliefs and actions in the world

Petition your church

Invite members of your church to sign the petition

All-age service accompanying PowerPoint (Welsh)

Use these slides to share and explore Aline’s story with your whole church. Available in English.

Governance and rights: capability statement

Discover how we're championing governance and advocating for rights globally, and how our work is driving systemic change and accountability in communities everywhere.

Peace: capability statement

Explore how Christian Aid is driving peacebuilding and conflict prevention globally, tackling the root causes of conflict and promoting systemic change and accountability for lasting peace.

All-age Service Accompanying PowerPoint

Use these slides to share and explore Aline’s story with your whole church.

An open letter to all MPs - Gaza ceasfire vote

An open letter to all MPs - Gaza ceasfire vote

Gaza Crisis Parliamentary briefing

Give or send our latest UK parliamentary briefing to your MP.

Prayer for peace and justice

Join us in prayer as we continue to pray for the Middle East.

The UK's complicity must end - Letter

Download this letter and share with your MP