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35 resources

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Building climate resilience through transforming gendered social norms

Recommendations for climate resilience initiatives to drive social and economic transformation for women facing intersecting vulnerabilities.

Afghanistan Crisis Appeal 12-month update December 2022

A review of our work since the launch of our 2021 appeal.

'Where is Palestine?' - report

Read this report by our Head of Middle East Policy & Advocacy.

Understanding change and peacebuilding in a Colombian human rights NGO

How has the Theory of Change of Colombian human rights NGO the Inter-Church Justice & Peace Commission, changed in response to the 2016 Peace Accord?

Equality at All Levels report

A report from Christian Aid calling for faith actors and secular feminists to join forces to push for global equality for women.

Generando Empresas y Derechos Humanos

The UN Business and Human Rights Framework must respond better to the negative impacts of business on the rights of women. (Spanish)

Corporate approaches to addressing modern day slavery

Corporate approaches to addressing modern day slavery

Prayer for Rohingya crisis

A prayer for all communities displaced by violence in Rakhine State, Myanmar.

Prayer for the world based on Psalm 13

How long, O Lord? Can we hide our faces from the headlines of violence and tragedy?

Defending the right to water in Angola

Defending rural communities’ right to water: 2018 case study from Angola

2017/18 Situation report Nigeria

2017/18 Situation report Nigeria

Christian Aid Ireland’s adaptive programme management

This paper is the product of a collaboration between ODI and Christian Aid Ireland to assess the relevance of adaptive approaches.

Ecumenical prayer vigil for peace in Gaza

There is a monthly ecumenical prayer vigil across the globe until there is an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. 

Toilet troubles assembly

Toilet troubles assembly

Key findings: religion and time of marriage

A study based on listening to community members, local leaders, faith leaders, and adolescent girls in three areas of Kaduna state.

Improving the choices and opportunities for adolescent girls toolkit

A guide for religious leaders of both Christian and Islamic faiths in Nigeria as they address the challenges faced by adolescent girls.

No more harmful traditional practices: working with faith leaders

No more harmful traditional practices: working with faith leaders

Working effectively with faith leaders - harmful traditional practices

Working effectively with faith leaders - harmful traditional practices