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53 resources

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Call to Parties - General Election 2024


Decolonising Evaluation - Whose Value Counts?

This paper critically reflects on evaluation practice through a decolonisation lens, considering who decides what success looks like, how we assess and measure results, and how we could take forward a decolonial approach to evaluation.

A Prayer for Pakistan

In response to the devastating floods.

Financial Crime and Abuse Policy

English-language version

Financial Crime and Abuse Policy

French-language version

Financial Crime and Abuse Policy

Spanish-language version

Financial Crime and Abuse Policy

Arabic-language version

'Where is Palestine?' - report

Read this report by our Head of Middle East Policy & Advocacy.

Climate Justice Posters

A selection of climate justice posters for use in your church.

Taking Action on Climate Justice

A conversation guide for church groups, to help equip you to take action.

Understanding change and peacebuilding in a Colombian human rights NGO

How has the Theory of Change of Colombian human rights NGO the Inter-Church Justice & Peace Commission, changed in response to the 2016 Peace Accord?

Corporate approaches to addressing modern day slavery

Corporate approaches to addressing modern day slavery

Prayer for Rohingya crisis

A prayer for all communities displaced by violence in Rakhine State, Myanmar.

Prayer for the world based on Psalm 13

How long, O Lord? Can we hide our faces from the headlines of violence and tragedy?

PAR Angola - baseline assessment

A summary of the findings of the programme's baseline assessments carried out.

2017/18 Situation report Nigeria

2017/18 Situation report Nigeria

Christian Aid Ireland’s adaptive programme management

This paper is the product of a collaboration between ODI and Christian Aid Ireland to assess the relevance of adaptive approaches.

Ecumenical prayer vigil for peace in Gaza

There is a monthly ecumenical prayer vigil across the globe until there is an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.