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82 resources

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Decolonisation and anti-racism research

Decolonisation and anti-racism are important frameworks that can be used to address historical injustices, systemic inequalities and power imbalances rooted in colonial histories.

Transforming economies for gender equality - policy brief

Christian Aid works to advance gender-just macroeconomic policy making to transform economies that is shaped by marginalized communities.

Transforming economies for gender equality - poster

A poster highlighting our work to advance gender-just macroeconomic policy-making to transform economies that are shaped by marginalized communities.

Prayer for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Join us in prayer for 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.

Lecons apprises Recherche sur l'impunite liee a la VBG

Le dossier d'apprentissage de 8 pages présente les principaux points saillants du rapport de recherche, y compris les principales conclusions et recommandations.

Addressing impunity for gender-based violence among displaced communities in Haiti

This report highlights challenges for GBV survivors in Haiti's displaced and suggests ways to strengthen accountability mechanisms.

Learning brief: Addressing impunity for GBV among displaced communities in Haiti

Designed for state and non-state actors, including funders who are interested in addressing GBV in Haiti, with a particular focus on displaced population

A feminist social contract rooted in fiscal justice

This essay focuses on public financing for public services, the structural constraints and challenges faced by Global South nations and people...

What do we owe each other?

Essay looking at community-based versus wider/formal social contracts.

Afghanistan Crisis Appeal 12-month update December 2022

A review of our work since the launch of our 2021 appeal.

Profit before People and Planet

A collaborative report exploring why the Brazilian Amazon and its people need economic justice.

How Covid-19 Shrank Civic Space - Report Summary

The global Covid-19 pandemic brought unprecedented restrictions to civic space throughout 2020-21 - Report Summary

(Re)acknowledging Feminist Agroecosystems: summary report

Learning from agroecosystems and networks of Women Farmers in Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo, Brazil

(Re)conhecendo a agroecologia feminista – versão completa da pesquisa

Como, por meio do manejo agroecológico de agroecossistemas as agricultoras organizadas contribuem para a igualdade de gênero, para a manutenção dos modos de vida de suas comunidades, para o cuidado da natureza e mudança climática.

Women on the Front Line

Read our new report which recognises that women are disproportionately affected by climate change.

ECID Final evaluation report

The report is a final evaluation of the ECID which was implemented in Myanmar, Nigeria and Zimbabwe

Gender, Inclusion, Power & Politics (GIPP) Toolkit - Part One - Guide

GIPP is an analysis tool developed by Christian Aid and Social Development Direct, through the ECID programme.