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11 resources

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Givestar FAQs

Guidance on how to use Givestar

Modern Slavery Statement 2023-24

To tackle the root causes of modern slavery is to tackle the root causes of poverty and marginalisation.

Modern Slavery Statement

Christian Aid's Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Act

Modern Slavery Act

Corporate approaches to addressing modern day slavery

Corporate approaches to addressing modern day slavery

Tackling modern day slavery - the John Lewis Partnership

Tackling modern day slavery - the John Lewis Partnership

Salt Business Network's June 2017 Newsletter

Download the Salt Business Network's June newsletter and learn about building a values-based business model. 

Modern day slavery and SME's

Modern day slavery and SME's

Drugs and illicit practices: the impact on development and governance

Collection of case studies published in the names of its independent authors, with the views expressed not necessarily endorsed by Christian Aid.

Listening and responding to our stakeholders: accountability

Listening and responding to our stakeholders resource: accountability

From local to global: stopping corruption from stunting development

In this report, we argue that Western governments are not doing enough to champion legitimate business practices.