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44 resources

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A Prayer for Pakistan

In response to the devastating floods.

Climate Justice Posters

A selection of climate justice posters for use in your church.

Taking Action on Climate Justice

A conversation guide for church groups, to help equip you to take action.

Desarollo de mercados inclusivos para construir paz en Colombia

Desarollo de mercados inclusivos para construir paz en Colombia

Development of Inclusive Markets to Build Peace in Colombia

Development of Inclusive Markets to Build Peace in Colombia

Evidence Report: Project Maria Caicedo

Development of inclusive markets to build peace in Colombia. The case of the Peasant Reserve Zones of the Cimitarra River Valley, Catatumbo and Tulua.

Informe de evidencia: Proyecto María Caicedo

Desarrollo de mercados inclusivos para construir paz en Colombia. El caso de las Zonas de Reserva Campesina del Valle del Río Cimitarra, Catatumbo y Tuluá

Christian Aid Ethiopia newsletter July 2019

Christian Aid Ethiopia newsletter July 2019

Stories of change: case studies from GEOP Ghana

Stories of change from Ghana, where our EU-funded GEOP project is helping people with disabilities access training, get jobs and set up their own busi

PAR Angola - baseline assessment

A summary of the findings of the programme's baseline assessments carried out.

The market garden - growing sustainable businesses with women farmers

The market garden - growing sustainable businesses with women farmers

Caring for Mother Earth: providing solar ovens in the Amazon

In 2015, Christian Aid embarked on a three-year project to provide solar ovens to indigenous communities in the Bolivian Amazon.

Adapta annual report 2017

“Building climatic resilience in the fine cocoa and honey sectors” aims to revolutionise agriculture and apiculture in Nicaragua.

Adapta interactive annual report 2017

Proyecto Adapta: “Building climatic resilience in the fine cocoa and honey sectors” aims to revolutionise agriculture and apiculture in Nicaragua.

Partnership for Change: Christian Aid in Kenya

Christian Aid has been working in Kenya since 1997, in partnership with local civil society agencies, public authorities, private sector actors, churches and other religious organisations.

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire (Part 1)

In this policy briefing, Christian Aid examines the links between climate change and conflict.

Appendices - Marsabit County Resilience Study

Appendices to the Marsabit County Resilience Study which assesses the value of investing in resilience work in pastoralist communities.

New pathways out of poverty in Africa: sustainable agriculture

New pathways out of poverty in Africa: sustainable agriculture