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42 resources

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The Role of Private Creditors in Nigeria's Debt Crisis and the Human Cost

This study explains the relation between religion and health and how we can harness the unique strength of religious actors for improved outcomes in public health interventions.

World Food Programme partnership appeal 2022 report

Download our partnership appeal report

Harvest Service

Use this resource to hold a Harvest service in your church.

Christian Aid Ghana: An exit learning review

Christian Aid Ghana closed in 2020, part of a wider restructure of Christian Aid. This review seeks to celebrate the work of the Ghana programme, and capture learning to share with partners, other Christian Aid programmes, and the development sector.

Brew and Bake Coffee Morning Guide

A guide to running your own coffee and quiz event, virtually or in person.

Brew and Bake Event Guide

A guide to running your own 'Bake Off' style event virtually or in person.

Global Neighbours Autumn Appeal School Assembly Powerpoint

PowerPoint to accompany the primary school assembly.

Global Neighbours Autumn Appeal School Assembly Script

Primary school assembly to introduce pupils to Ariana and her family.

Brew and Bake Quiz Answers

Test your general knowledge with our themed quiz, ideal as part of your Brew and Bake coffee morning.

Brew and Bake Recipe Cards

3 chocolate and coffee recipes to inspire your brew and bake events.

Use and abuse of tax breaks: how tax incentives become harmful

Tax incentives widespread, but ineffective for developmet. How do they become harmful, and what can be done to stop their abuse?

Frank and the Pea stalk

Read our special 2017 Harvest story ‘Frank and the Pea Stalk’

Harvest Toolkit: Food Glorious (organic) Food

These classroom activities introduce pupils to the themes of inclusion and exclusion, hospitality and generosity.

Joint Country Programme newsletter - July - Sept 2018

A new country director, piped water comes to villages in Mumbeji, advocating for tax justice and more...

September meditation

September meditation

CAAGI information sheet

Download a two page summary document of the CAAGI programme, including case studies of faith leaders advocating for adolescent girls.

Key findings: religion and time of marriage

A study based on listening to community members, local leaders, faith leaders, and adolescent girls in three areas of Kaduna state.

Religion and time of marriage: the role of faith leaders

Adolescent Girls (AGs) in Northern Nigeria have very limited choices and opportunities to reach their full potential.